Amazing BOSE Active-Suspension demo
I'm probably writing about the The Video Course - check it out!

Bose is best known for creating high-performance audio products, but their research activities go well beyond sound. For more than two decades, they have been researching a new system for automobile suspensions. The video below shows the effect of their suspension system.
Bose is best known for creating high-performance audio products, but their research activities go well beyond sound. For more than two decades, they have been researching a new system for automobile suspensions. The video below shows the effect of their suspension system.From the Bose site:
In 1980, Bose founder and CEO Dr. Amar Bose conducted a mathematical study to determine the optimum possible performance of an automotive suspension, ignoring the limitations of any existing suspension hardware. This 5-year study indicated that it was possible to achieve performance that was a large step above anything available. After evaluating conventional and variable spring/damper systems, as well as hydraulic approaches, it was determined that none had the combination of speed, strength and efficiency necessary to provide the desired results. The study identified electromagnetics as the one approach that could deliver optimal suspension characteristics.
Sadly Dr Bose died last summer. It remains to be seen whether this technology will make it into the mass market.
Studio3: Bigger and better
I finished 14 hours of automotive engineering videos for the video course back in October. It's been a hectic few months and I'm finally ready to share some pretty exciting news: I've moved the video production to the UK. To Manchester, to be precise. And I'm building a proper studio where we can be more productive, more creative and shoot in even better quality. Read more
Why I chose an MX5 Miata for the video series
I've had quite a few questions from people about why I chose to use an MX5 Miata for the video series. Was it sponsored? Am I an expert with them? Because I love them? The answer is... it just seemed the best choice at the time. Now, with hindsight, I realise it was the best possible choice in the world. Here's the story... Read more
Course progress: March 2019
We've been filming and releasing videos every week since getting into the new studio. The course now has 9.5 hours of pro-quality video, fully subtitled and I'm really proud of what we're producing! We're using CGI anywhere it helps understanding, and the general quality and feel of the videos is at an all-time high. Read more